Brisbane Acres and the Blood of the Lamb

Brisbane Acres and the Blood of the Lamb

Passover comes this Sunday, a rite from the Biblical story of Exodus, wherein the enslaved Israelites win their freedom from Pharaoh. It seems a fitting context for a discussion of The Acres, an indentured ecosystem on the wildland-urban interface. These substantial...
Living Large in Muir Woods

Living Large in Muir Woods

The trappings of prosperity pursued by contemporary city dwellers emphasize the appeal of “living large,” hinting that the ends of financial aggrandizement will justify any means. But here in the Bay Area, we also enjoy a wealth of nearby natural resources...
A Study of Ancient History on Strawberry Hill

A Study of Ancient History on Strawberry Hill

The well-groomed greenery of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park demonstrates the power of mankind to transform an uncultivated landscape into a recreational playground. Once a windswept wildland, these former sand dunes and occasional oak groves were staked out in...
Connections Run Deep in Lagunitas Creek

Connections Run Deep in Lagunitas Creek

November rain sings a song of connectivity. It completes the natural cycle, raising the rivers and recharging the aquifers, pouring from the air to the earth and back to the ocean whence it came. We find an extraordinary example of its ramifications in western Marin...